Today's post is for a girl who has been a fantastic regular OAS model for quite some time........ Kelli Smith. Kelli Smith is really petite, perky, and cute, and she always does such amazing sets. She is also quite good friends with other UK glamour models like Carla Brown. Sadly, however, Kelli has plans to retire from glamour modeling this year, but she did come back for a 2 day shoot last week, updating all 4 OAS sites with lots of new sets. Hopefully, the samples from her latest shoot won't be her last, and we can get her back for at least one more encore in 2014 before she rides off into the sunset......................................................................................... Here are the pics from one of her newest sets, where she is dressed in a super-cute ballet outfit with a blue leotard and white tights.
I want to say here that I am really thankful to all of the staff at OAS for doing my request. I was really glad that Kelli did this ballet set, as this may be her final appearance ever at the OAS house. I LOVE the cute panty-peeks with her tight white undies in this set, and her white tights look so soft, sexy, and angelic. Kelli is just adorable and this ballet set is by far my fav of hers. There are so many good pics in this set that I have a hard time picking the best to show you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............................................................................................................................................................
